Howl for Halloween

“No job's too big, No pup's too small, Paw Patrol, we're on a roll So here we go, Paw Patrol!”

Just call me Martha Stewart! No baby pumpkin or pineapples costumes, saw it, were going to do for this guys first Halloween! No! You go big or you go home! I don’t know how many know the show Paw Patrol, but it’s a big thing around our house and I’ll be honest…Rawling gets excited when it comes on and yeah he starts dancing to the theme song, but I think that dad and I enjoy it more. Maybe it’s because we have two dogs and a child and the thought of dogs running around actually doing something for the good of man kind is satisfying to us, or more of a dream because our dogs are legit probably the most untrained beings in the universe. BUT, either way, we all sit down to watch it when it’s on. Now if you know me you know that before Rawling came along my dogs were my children. So naturally, they must participate in everything, including Halloween! The idea of the costumes were fun and funny since it worked well for our family, but completely impractical. I mean, have you seen specific Paw Patrol costumes for dogs? Don’t worry, I checked three stores and online to find nothing. To top it off, apparently no kids wants to be Ryder because all the costumes for children were of the dogs! So, I had to take matters into my own hands. I think my husband thought I was kidding about making the costumes until he came home from a night shift to find two fully made Chase and Marshall backpacks…Turns out you can do a lot with card board boxes and hot glue. Yeah, I’m crazy and have no life, haha! Even more so I think he thought I wasn’t going to actually do a full on shoot with the two dogs and the child in said costumes, he was wrong. Again, go big or go home!

So let me break down the costumes for you. I made Ryder’s vest out of a t-shirt I found for $3 on clearance at Target. Thank you Target! You don’t know how difficult it is to find a red t-shirt until you need one. Then I bought felt from Hobby Lobby, you know, the place with everything you’ll ever need, and put it all together! The pup pad was made purely out of card board from a box I had, turns out we had a lot of card board boxes around from diapers and all. The same goes for Chase and Marshall’s backpacks. The water cannons or whatever you want to call those things on the side of Marshall’s pack are made from Coke bottles. Now, the trickiest part to this entire costume set was the firefighter and police hat…I mean do kids not dress up as firefighters and police officers anymore!? I could not find a single kids hat for either one. So guess what, I made them. Marshall’s hat was actually a safari hat that I found at Hobby Lobby. I painted it red and then cut out the front piece from card board. Chase’s hat was made primarily from a visor I found again at Hobby Lobby, HB for the win! The rest was made from, you guessed it, card board! The only thing we did find were the collars for Chase and Marshall. I know you were thinking, those don’t look like card board! It’s true, I bought them for $7 each. They light up and awesome, and were one thing I didn’t have to make, so why not. Overall I think we spent $30 on everything, taxes included cause you know that’s important in the numbers!

There you have it! It’s a full on Paw Patrol crew. Have fun looking at these PUP-TASTIC costumes!

Brooke Summers Photography | Howls for Halloween
Brooke Summers Photography | Howls for Halloween
Brooke Summers Photography | Howls for Halloween